AAPS 2020秋季学校信息

    • 家长/监护人及学生须知



    I hope that you are well today; we appreciate your patience and support during a busy summer of work and preparation for the start of this unique school year. We are reaching out today to share general information to assist you as we prepare for this 2020-21 school year. 

    在接下来的日子里, 您还将收到更详细的信息, 来自你所在学校校长的具体信息. 

    为了你的计划,我们分享了 2020-21学年日历 and 每日时间表样本 对于每个学校级别. 

    从8月31日到9月3日, we will support our students and families in completing preparations for the virtual teaching and learning launch of this school year. 

    On T9月8日,星期二, we look forward to beginning our school year together with a first week focused on community building and student orientation to our online learning system, Schoology. 在9月8日这一周,虚拟学校的上课时间将会缩短 第一周的日程安排在这里 - to allow time to build capacity together and to support everyone in acclimating smoothly to the AAPS virtual learning environment. 

    我们的老师期待与学生交流, orienting students and families to the virtual classroom and building familiarity in the Schoology system throughout this first week, 确保每个学生都准备好开始全面的教学内容领域 9月14日星期一

    准备周 of 8月31日,我们会在以下方面支援家庭: 

    1. 科技设备分布
      我们为所有学生提供翻新和新购买的设备.  所有设备都预先配置了学习平台, 学习应用, access to the academic reading library and a full digital library customized for each level.

      We will be issuing technology during this preparation week via a drive-through distribution, 我们要求每个学龄儿童都有一个学区发放的设备:五年级的iPad, K和1,chromebook是2 - 12.

      We have designed a schedule for technology distribution with flexible hours to serve our families, 下周我们将在四个地区进行分发. 关于技术分发时间表的更多信息在这里. 如果家长在这周不能拿起科技设备, we will continue to support students and families to ensure that every child receives a learning device.

      有关设备的问题,请发送电子邮件 family_techsupport@aaps.k12.mi.us

    2. 家长与学生迎新学习会 Schoology 学习平台
      It is important for parents to become familiar with the new AAPS learning platform, Schoology,我们准备了一份 在这里为家长提供简短的视频概述.

      Every AAPS student and family will be invited to attend a virtual “Meet and Greet” during the week of 8月31日.  There, students and families will learn how to attend school and how to access classes to begin virtual school on 9月8日.

      在9月8日那一周, AAPS ‘Home Base’ teachers will carefully guide students and families to engage in a full Schoology orientation, directly supporting them in navigating their online learning environment.  学生 will begin attending all classes on September 14th, feeling prepared and ready to learn.

      Questions and live technical support is available, 7:30am to 5:00pm at the AAPS 家长 Help Desk, 734-997-1222

    3. 完整的自由 & 减少午餐申请 (根据需要)
      免费和减少午餐申请 都可以买到! You can apply online or request a hard copy of the application to be mailed to you. Applications will also be distributed with technology pick-up and are available in six languages.

      如果您的学生去年(2019-2020)被批准免费或减少午餐, 那份申请只在开学第一天后的30天内有效.

      AAPS will continue to serve breakfast and lunch at the distribution locations as long as school is remote. More information will be shared with parents soon regarding the food distribution days, 地点和时间. 其中一些地方还提供下午晚些时候的外卖服务.

      家长s with any questions or who need a Free and Reduced Lunch application mailed to them, 请电子邮件 foodservice@aaps.k12.mi.us 或者拨打食品服务部734-994-2265.

    4. 免疫和健康
      It is critical for the health and safety of all to maintain an up-to-date immunization schedule for children, 特别是在COVID大流行期间.

      根据州法律, 进入学龄前儿童, 年轻的5 s, 友善, 7th graders and new students of any grade must provide updated immunization records prior to the start of school or obtain a waiver from their local health department.


      访问AAPS学校护士关怀角网站 基本的家庭 and 初中和高中家庭 了解更多信息,并与你学校的护士取得联系.

    5. 为有额外学习需要的学生提供支持
      We are striving to implement each and every student IEP in this online environment. AAPS case managers will be reaching out to make introductions and connect with families during the week of 9月8日.

      这是每年的惯例, families of students receiving English Learner and other learning supports will also receive contact during these first days of the school year to ensure action plans for support are in place.

    6. 学校图书馆、教科书、用品和材料
      数字图书馆 - 学习 tools and reading materials will be fully accessible online to students in the Schoology learning platform and through other applications and software on student devices. 在接下来的几周里, all students will have access to a fully equipped digital library available for class and enrichment reading with checkout 24/7.

      教科书、用品和材料 -在学年开始之后, 在整个秋天, 我们将协调教材的分发, 支持和扩展学习的学习用品和材料. We will share more detailed information on this step after the school year has started when all students are settled into their class schedules.

    7. 准备周:学校见面和问候活动
      You will receive more information directly from your principal with details about Virtual Meet and Greet events. These will be especially important this year to ensure a smooth first day of school, 我们期待在那里见到你.

      按惯例, additional back-to-school events are being planned during September and October at our AAPS schools, and your school principal will provide more information as we move through this fall season.

    8. 跟进问题 AAPS学校的“前门”电子邮件美高梅博彩
      If you should have questions during this time of preparing for the launch of this school year, please reach out directly to your school team using the school outreach email address.

      Members of our AAPS team are standing by to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

    9. 社区资源

    Thank you for your understanding and support as we navigate this virtual back-to-classroom time during this COVID pandemic. 我们很高兴地欢迎我们的学生进入2020-21学年 9月8日, 我们将继续专注于我们的勤奋工作,以支持我们的学生, 父母和家人在这个秋天.

    我们将继续在整个安娜堡社区共同努力. 我们将确保这是一个充满联系和关怀的学年, 这一年,作为一个社区聚集在一起, continuing quality learning and growth for each of our students and moving forward #A2gether in the 美高梅博彩. 我们随时为您服务. 

