• When your child is absent from school, you must call the Absence Line 994-2008上午8:30.m. If you reach voicemail when calling, please leave your name, 孩子的名字, 日期和时间, and the reason why your child is absent. If you are unable to call the school, your student will be considered unexcused unless your student returns with a signed note. Acquired unexcused absences could result in a district-level referral to address truancy. Please ensure all absences excused.

    If your child needs materials to complete the assignments, please contact your child's counselor to make arrangements to pick up work from the Main Office.

    如果学生迟到了, he/she must stop at the Main Office and sign in before proceeding to his/her classroom. Tardies will be excused with appropriate medical documentation or rationale.

    Please send a note with your child to be shown to the teacher and the secretary, whenever you need to pick up you child during school hours. We must assure that all are students are safe, so we must know when you will be taking your child from the building. Before leaving the building, your child must sign out at the Main Office, and if returning before the end of the day, he/she must sign in when he or she returns to school.

    The Ann Arbor Public Schools District's Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for Students, Staff and Parents includes the following regarding student attendance:

    Students are expected to attend all classes unless excused by their parents and the schools. The Michigan School code requires student attendance at school and the Board of Education believes that regular attendance is an important part of the educational process. Absences due to religious observances and the conditions outlined in the Michigan School code of 1976 are considered excused absences:

    1. personal illness of the student
    2. illness of an immediate family member
    3. death of a family member or close friend of the family or student
    4. medical or dental care which cannot reasonably be attended to during non-school hours.
    5. participation in court proceedings in which the student's presence is legally compelled or in which the student is a participant or witness
    6. absence pending disposition of alleged violation of the Student Discipline Policy
    7. absence due to suspension
    8. absence due to participation in school-sponsored or school-related activities
    9. emergency child care situations
    10. exceptional and unexpected transportation difficulties; and
    11. pre-planned educational activities deemed to have constructive school related value when the class administrator's approval has been obtained at least five (5) days in advance.

    Students have the right to make up and receive credit for work that is missed due to excused absences.

    Please note that vacations are not excused absences.

    If your child becomes ill during the school day, we will notify you by telephone. Your child may lie down for up to 15 minutes. If further rest is needed, a parent will be contacted to assist in providing the appropriate care to support the student hand his/her medical needs.

    Medications may only be given with a doctor's prescription, 写方向, and written permission from the parent or guardian.  All medications must be in their original containers. This includes inhalers and over the counter medication such as aspirin.


    Attendance Line:  734.994.2008